Looking for someone to help you make the best decisions for your trees? Here are a few choices that fit with our values.

Whenever selecting an arborist or consultant, consider following these guidelines.
Below you will find arborists and consultants we recommend* because they align with our values, including:
Default to preserving a tree
Takes the entire habitat/ecology into consideration
ISA Certified Arborists
Practice in Washington County
You can also find a comprehensive list of arborists through the International Society of Arboriculture or through the Pacific Northwest ISA.
Let us know if you of any arborists you would recommend. Email treescountwc@gmail.com.​
*Disclaimer: These professionals are listed based on the information they have given us. Their services may change over time and we will periodically update the information (last update: August 2022). We have no affiliation with any of them.

Arborists are trained professionals who have studied how to plant, maintain, care for, and diagnose trees, shrubs, and other woody plants. These are our recommendations:

Consulting Arborists
Consulting Arborists are the authoritative experts on trees and bring an objective, comprehensive viewpoint to their clients—ensuring the safety, health, and preservation of trees. These are our recommendations: